Welcome to Board Matters, corporate support you can trust
Providing expert guidance and solutions to help health and care businesses meet corporate governance requirements.
Expert Advice and Support
At Board Matters, we offer a wide range of consulting services to help businesses ensure they remain compliant with Corporate Governance legislation and regulatory standards.
For example, we can advise and support the development of…
- Board and Committee Minutes we produce carefully crafted minutes that capture your discussion whilst remaining brief and accurate
- Board Annual Business Plan we can work with the Chair and other Senior Leaders to produce a bespoke business plan ensuring that the Board meets all of its legislative and regulatory requirements throughout the year, supported by its underpinning Board Committees
- Board Appraisals Is your Chair too busy to run the process of Director level appraisals, we can take the pain out of the process, whilst helping your Chair deliver
- Agenda Creation we will work with Board and Committee Chairs to ensure your meeting agenda hits the spot
- Board Assurance Framework we can help you develop your framework for receiving Board assurance from the frontline to the Board
- Corporate Governance are your annual plans, risk registers, in need of a review? Maybe your policies could do with a refresh, allow us to help
- Board Development we can use the feedback from your Board appraisal to create a development plan that compliments your business plan and then work with a team of trusted advisors, facilitators and experienced coaches to deliver this